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VOIS is an interactive and educational app aimed at those learning the driving rules and preparing for their driving license exam.


Back at the beginning of the project, the app’s owner wanted to offer a better and more interactive experience for those starting the process of acquiring their driving license. Given that the theoretical part of driving school can be quite tedious or even difficult for some, the client wanted to offer a more entertaining way of learning.

The VOIS driving school app is divided into 3 categories for 2 types of users. Through said categories, the user can either acquire knowledge about traffic rules and conduct or test the knowledge that was acquired through the application. The two types of users significantly differ from one another.

The differentiation amongst users is based on the permission each has – the students can access the part of the app designed for learning said elements, while the driving instructors have complete access to the app including the ability to create classrooms and custom tests.


Given that there already are several similar apps in the region that VOIS is targeting, the main challenge was to present the content, usually taught in driving school classrooms, in a more entertaining yet, nevertheless, educational manner.

The app’s development can be divided into 3 main phases:

  1. Design adaptation
  2. App creation & feature implementation
  3. Cross-platform integration

Having been provided with an approved design by the client, we were able to commence work immediately. The work primarily started with the adaptation of the existing design alongside adding a few new screens. After completing said elements, our development team started working on the app’s implementation.


Wireframing, UI & UX adaptation

At the beginning of the project, the client had already had a finished UX design they had wanted to implement. Our team was consulted, given our industry experience, to present suggestions for improvements to the stated. Upon agreement, color schema and UX details were slightly attracted to present the users with the best possible solution.

Creation and implementation of features

Having had an agreed-upon design, our team started working on implementing the wanted features. All of the below-stated app elements were implemented through Flutter. Each can be used to gain new or improve existing knowledge of driving rules and test one’s knowledge through units. The application, as mentioned, has three main categories for the user to use:

  • TEST

Main categories

  1. Learn – four sections through which the user can gain the necessary knowledge
  2. Test – three categories and custom options via which the users can test their acquired knowledge
  3. Classroom – custom section consisting of a group of students that the instructor created via which the students can access custom tests

Each can be used to gain new or improve existing knowledge of driving rules and test one’s knowledge through units.

The Learn section is comprised of a total of 4 subcategories:

  1. Intersections
  2. Theory
  3. Traffic signs
  4. Park a car

The user can select the wanted data from an array of questions stored in a data pool. The data pool encompasses everything a future driver needs to know and can be found in the first three stated subsections. Each of the stated subsections has a visual presentation of the written content of each segment.

The Classroom section is only available to users with a Premium payment plan. In most cases, said type of users will be actual driver’s ed instructors who use the app to simplify the educational experience and ensure that the necessary materials are well adapted. Said feature also enables instructors to create custom tests available only to a limited group of users, i.e., their students. Once they create a custom test, the selected users will receive a notification through which they can access the custom test. After completing the test, the instructor has a fully transparent insight into the students’ solutions.

Aside from the aforestated, the users also can test their acquired knowledge. Whether it is to test their preexisting knowledge or to check what they have learned via the VOIS application, they can do so via the third tab in the navigation bar – the Test tab. Said tab offers VOIS users the ability to assess their proficiency in either of the Learn sections (Intersections, Traffic signs, Theory). If the user wishes to test all sections at once, they can do so via the Custom test section. Said allows the user to select from all three aforementioned sections and set the test’s duration according to their preference.

Multiplatform availability – iOS & Android

After having created the main framework through, as stated, implementation in Flutter, we started simultaneously working on making the app available on both Android and iOS. This was done using the native approach in which there were individual source codes for both iOS & Android. Each operating system required individual focus as each presented its own set of difficulties for implementation. However, after thorough research and hard work, the app was available on both system types, i.e., on both the AppStore and the PlayStore. VOIS was available for all smartphone users – an Apple or any Android device.


Once all of the aforementioned factors were combined in a well-rounded unit, the VOIS app was created. The users can use all the features available on the app, whether online or off. Having finished the development of the application, we are more than happy to say the app is fully functional and can be used by the countries of Southeastern Europe.

Having implemented each and every feature necessary for the use of the mobile app, the ultimate implementation of this was that of multilingualism. Given that the app would be available in numerous countries, it was of utmost importance that it was available in more than just the Bosnian language. Consequently, the app can now be used in four languages – English, German, Croatian, and Bosnian.