Abdul Latif Jameel League

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  • Date Published
  • Reading Time 1-Minute Read

The client, Abdul Latif Jameel Group, approached Omnia FZ LLC in 2013 to create a large fan driven community online. The community is sports-oriented, as is needed by Abdul Latif Jameel League, the premier soccer league within Saudi Arabia.

About the Project:

The client, Abdul Latif Jameel Group, approached Omnia FZ LLC in 2013 to create a large fan driven community online. The community is sports-oriented, as is needed by Abdul Latif Jameel League, the premier soccer league within Saudi Arabia.

Main Challenge(s):

The main challenges Omnia needed to solve were creating an online fanbase from nothing, create a platform that is able to provide high-quality league news, and to create a website that meets these two criteria within 6 weeks.

Agency Solution(s):

The firm created the platform to utilize 5 key functions: to act as a main hub (website), to cover social media (facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc.), to make this all scalable to mobile through an app, to market electronically and to advertise digitally.


(The results of the project were not given in this case)