Consumption of the Visual – Instagram Share: Keen Ltd. Date Published 6 March 2017 Categories Blog Reading Time 3-Minute Read As a design company, we are very much aware that the first step towards making a sale is really about what hits the eye. If the design, visual or photo is compelling, then there is a bigger chance that sometime down the line, you can conclude a sale! This year, many experts are stating that Instagram is set to become yet a bigger force as a social media platform for businesses and a firm favourite amongst brands. Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has risen as a big platform for pushing brand engagement. Through the regular posting of inspiring photos, there is a stronger chance of moving the customer through the cycle: Awareness → Interest → Involvement →Commitment → Loyalty → Advocacy → Champion Maybe one of the reasons why Instagram is such a successful mechanism is that it is based on pictures, which in their own way need no words nor explanations! This is especially valid if you are in the B2C market, selling a product or service, where a beautiful picture inspires and motivates. Then there are super sectors like travel, food, fashion, design and photography for which Instagram is simply the perfect communication channel. Here are some basic tips for starting out on Instagram: The #hashtag is to Instagram what keywords are to search engine marketing. Without the #hashtag there is little chance that you will be found. It is, therefore, important to spend some time researching the #hashtag/s that you will be using when you share your photos. Keep in mind that in exercises of brand-building you include #hashtags that are particular to your brand and #hashtags that are of a more generic nature that will bring you on the radar of those who do not yet know you by name. When selecting #hashtags, identify any particular segments that you are after and rope in #hashtags that are already in use in their community! Start by creating an Instagram Account. The first task is actually downloading the App onto your smart device. Once you are signed up you are ready to start your Instagram marketing exercise. Instagram is based on the concept of ‘following’ and being ‘followed’. Start sharing photos but do not try posting links or blog posts. Ensure that you have a consistent stream of engaging photos as this is what will start earning you likes and new followers. When posting photos, ensure that they match your brand and rope in emoji. Some experts also advocate using the same Instagram filters for your photos to ensure consistency. Alternatively, experiment with the ever increasing number of Apps that provide facilities to embellish or enrich photos before you post them. Try to post on a daily basis and keep up the frequency! Finally, from your end, keep in mind that like other social media platforms, Instagram is also about community. Follow the leaders in your sector and get inspired. Ideally, you also dedicate some time following others, liking the images that are appearing on your feed and possibly even commenting where relevant. Naturally, since you’re doing this as the brand, it is essential to keep in mind that all activities need to relevant to you as the brand! With as many as 600 million monthly active users, and 300 million daily active Instagram users, one would be a fool to keep Instagram on the back-burner, on the premise that it is only used by some obscure online segment.